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Dutch Lessons

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Dutch lessonss

Learning Dutch can open the doors to a more independent and prosperous life in the Netherlands. With private lessons, you learn to face everyday situations with confidence and autonomy. It will be easy to take the public transport, go to the market or to the pharmacy, have dinner at a restaurant and much more… You become an independent person!

Get your privacy back. You won’t depend on anyone else to translate conversations. Furthermore, mastering the language can mean more job opportunities and a richer and more diverse social life.

Dutch lessons are aimed at all Portuguese or English speakers who live or plan to live in the Netherlands and for whom knowledge of the language is essential. With an experienced and dedicated teacher, you can accelerate your learning and gain fluency in no time. Invest in yourself and start your Dutch lessons now.

Kinds of Lessons

Preparation for Basexamen inbugering (A1, MVV)

Preparation for Inburgeringsexamen (A2,B1)

Basic Dutch lessons A1, A2 and B1 levels

Reading comprehension lessons in Dutch for groups 7 and 8 (Begrijpend Lezen)

Why should you learn Dutch?

Here are three reasons why learning Dutch can help you integrate into Dutch society and improve your life in the Netherlands:

  1. Communicating with Dutch people will be easier and more efficient if you speak Dutch. Learning Dutch will allow you to make deeper friendships and connections with the local community and better understand the culture and traditions.
  2. Learning Dutch can be advantageous for finding work. Many companies in the Netherlands prefer to hire Dutch-speaking employees, especially in areas that require contact with the public.
  3. Learning Dutch is a way to better understand and appreciate the Dutch culture. The Netherlands has a rich cultural and artistic history, with influences from neighboring countries such as Belgium and Germany. Learning the language will allow you to explore more deeply the art, music, literature and history of the Netherlands and better understand the traditions and habits of the Dutch people.

Learn Dutch online with easy, practical and stress-free methodology. Put what you learn into practice as soon as you leave home! Tot snel! (See you soon!)

The advantages of online Dutch classes:

Taking Dutch online lessons with a private teacher has numerous advantages, the main one is the exclusive dedication to your learning needs. You will be corrected and guided with the teacher’s full attention focused on you. Online lessons allow full flexibility of time and place.They are more affordable too.

If your teacher is not a native speaker, that means she has gone through all the learning experiences you will have to go through. She sometimes knows how to explain more about the Dutch language than a native himself. The non-native teacher identifies with you and offers you a different perspective because she knows the difficulties of the language and what your challenges will be.

My Dutch students take the “Basisexamen” in Brazil and the “inburgeringsexamen” in the Netherlands with more peace of mind and confidence. They know the content and the format of the tests. The chances of success are increased and with that they also end up saving time and money. The emotional distress is much less.

Learn the language with whom went through all the steps you will have to go through. I make your learning process easier with precious tips about the  Dutch language, about the country and the integration exams. Training with emphasis on conversation and pronunciation.


Communicative Methodology

Communicative Methodology

Everyday situations with which the student learns to talk clearly using specific words and phrases for each situation.

Training for Inburgering, TOEFL and IELTS exams

Training for Inburgering, TOEFL and IELTS exams

Civil integration examination in the Netherlands and Brazil. English knowledge exams. Current material and lots of super practical tips.

Focus on pronunciation and conversation

Focus on pronunciation and conversation

Correct pronunciation is very important to make yourself understood. Learn to speak correctly and communicate without hesitation.

Use of online material

Use of online material

Extra materials, music, videos and audios.

Prices for individual students:

4 lessons per month €152

1 lesson per week

Normal course
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8 lessons per month €296

2 lessons per week

Intensive course
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12 lessons per month €420

3 lessons per week

Super intensive course
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